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EXHIBIT 4.1 APD floorplan.

APD Floorplan1000

EXHIBIT 4.2 APD site plan.


EXHIBIT 4.3: APD Survey schematic.


APD Site Survey

1. MISSION: Continue business operations during normal working hours, protecting personnel, physical plant, and inventory from hostile threats.

2. TYPE:  Commercial building on fenced property

3. SIZE:  Ten acre property, within which a perimeter fence surrounds approximately one acre of parking lot and a 130 x 220’ building 

4. COMPLEXITY: One-story building; no additional structures.  Perimeter fence constitutes minor delay to foot movement from three sides; lack of a gate or control point results in no control or delay of access by vehicle or by foot from the street.   


a. Employee/Visitor Parking.

b. Executive Parking.

c. Production Floor: encompassing order fulfillment area, bulk inventory, shipping/receiving, and restrooms.

d. High Value Inventory.

e. Customer Support.

f. Technical Support.

g. Break Room.

h. Marketing.

i. Lobby and Office Storage.

j. Board Room and Executive Offices.


a. Interior (PI)

PI-1.1, 1.2, 1.3: Key-locked double doors between Production Floor and High Value Inventory

PI-2.1, 2.2: two lockable doors between Customer Support and Production Floor

PI-3.1, 3.2: two lockable doors between Technical Support and Production Floor

PI-3.3: lockable door between Technical Support and Center Hall

PI-4.1: lockable door between Marketing and Center Hall

PI-4.2, 4.3: two lockable doors between Marketing and Front Hall

PI-5: one-way lockable double fire doors between Lobby and Front Hall

PI-6.1 through PI-6.8: Doors between Boardroom and Executive Offices, and Front Hall

PI-7: Front Hall 

PI-8: Hallway Intersection

PI-9: Center Hall

PI-9.1: Fire Door, Center Hall

PI-10.1, 10.2: Doors between Center Hall and Break Room

b. Exterior (PX):

PX-1: Front doors (unlocked during business hours)

PX-2: Door, east end of long hall (key locked, executives have keys)

PX-3: Accordion doors on SW wall for shipping/receiving

PX-4: Drive gate through perimeter fence into parking lot

PX-5.1 thru PX-5.9: Large exterior windows, one each, in executive offices & boardroom (all other windows are too small to admit passage of humans)

Fire exits (one way only): numbered clockwise from 

Technical Support,PX-6, PX-7, PX-8, PX-9, PX-10


a. TGT-1 High Value Inventory

TYPE – Storage room, with three key-locked double doors from production floor, fire exit on NE exterior wall, and lockable wire cages for inventory shelves, bins, and racks

LOCATION – North corner of building 

TARGET ATTRACTIVENESS – 0.8 for theft, due to transportability and resale value of items

TARGET CONSEQUENCE VALUE: 0.6 due to replacement cost and delays in order fulfillment

THREAT OBJECTIVE(S) – (1) Theft, (2) Vandalism to impact business operations

b. TGT-2 Bulk Inventory

TYPE – 20’ steel inventory racks in open grid 

LOCATION – On Production Floor, along NE long wall of building, contiguous with order fulfillment work area


ATTRACTIVENESS: 0.2 for theft, due to difficulty of transporting bulk quantities and low unit resale value

THREAT OBJECTIVE(S):  (1) Vandalism to impact business operations, (2) Theft

c. TGT-3 Computers & Office Equipment

TYPE – Individual work stations

LOCATION – Board Room and Executive Offices, Lobby, Marketing, Technical Support, Customer Support 

TARGET CONSEQUENCE VALUE - 0.4 for delays and disruption resulting from data loss

TARGET ATTRACTIVENESS - 0.5 for theft due to portability and resale potential 

THREAT OBJECTIVE(S) - (1) Theft, (2) Data Theft, (3) Vandalism

d. TGT-4 Privately owned vehicles and their contents in parking lots

TYPE – Personal property

LOCATION – TGT-4S: Employee parking lot south of building; TGT-4E: Visitor parking in front of building; TGT-4N: Executive parking lot north of building


TARGET ATTRACTIVENESS – 0.9 for ease of access and escape

THREAT OBJECTIVE(S) – (1) Theft of vehicles or contents, (2) Vandalism

e. TGT-5 Executive Personnel

TYPE – + 10 officers and managers

LOCATION – Board Room and Executive Offices; routes to/from NE parking lot; throughout building during working hours


TARGET ATTRACTIVENESS - 0.9 for kidnapping, 0.7 for intimidation/assault 

THREAT OBJECTIVE(S) – Kidnapping, Assault  

f. TGT-6 Workers

TYPE - + 220 personnel

LOCATION – Throughout building during working hours, nominal distribution as shown on diagram; routes to/from SW and SE parking lots


TARGET ATTRACTIVENESS – Threat dependent; 0.3 for kidnapping, .8 for assault, theft, intimidation

THREAT OBJECTIVE(S) – Assault, theft, and/or intimidation inside or outside building in conjunction with any primary strategy 

8. TIME WINDOW:  Weekday working hours between 8:30am and 3:00pm, when entire workforce is present. 

Prior security incidents – Review internal reports of daylight gang robbery event, parking lot incidents, and organized crime actions to identify patterns or methods of attack that might be repeated



Lobby and Front Hall exterior doors are single pane tempered glass in steel frame with deadbolt locks (thumb turn inside, cylinder lock outside).  Lobby door is unlocked during business hours.  Front Hall door remains locked, but executives each carry key and routinely use door for entry/egress during day.

Exterior doors PX-6 through PX-10, and interior hallway doors PI-5 and PI-9.1 are steel fire doors in steel frames with push bars which can be hex-key locked from the ‘inside’ position (Exterior doors are routinely locked into one-way ‘exit only’ mode).  They are highly resistant to mechanical breaching.

Accordion doors PX-3 in Shipping and Receiving are highly resistant to mechanical breaching when secured, but constitute significant security hazard as they stand open in the summer or are opened and closed during winter, for delivery vans. 

Interior doors of offices and admin areas are light gauge steel with windows in upper third, with deadbolt locks comparable to exterior doors, providing moderate resistance to mechanical breaching.  Restroom doors are solid, swinging doors without locks. 

Parking Lot Fence – 10’ chain link perimeter fence around one acre parking lot restricts vehicular traffic from Interstate frontage road to one entry-exit point.  

Entry is open, two lanes wide, with no gates or control points. Fence can be climbed but removal of large items would require breach of fence. Fence delays but does not prevent entry at any point. Nine undeveloped acres surrounding lot on three sides are effectively uncontrolled and unmonitored.

Concrete exterior walls are effectively impenetrable.  Exterior windows (PX-5.1 – 5.8) along front of building are non-operating single pane tempered glass, vulnerable to breakage and entry.  Non-operating 8” x 72” windows on both long walls are vulnerable to breakage but impractical for entry.  There is no roof access into building.  

Floor is poured slab.

Interior walls are drywall, do not constitute cover from gunfire and could be breached mechanically.


Four contract security guards on duty during working hours. Supervisor and one guard roam throughout building and around building perimeter on irregular schedule; one guard is posted in Lobby, and one in Shipping/Receiving.

General observation by occupants/employees – Vehicles enter property from the road within the field of view from all executive offices and the lobby.  Receptionist and security guard in lobby, roving security guards, and executives in offices and boardroom may detect suspicious activity by vehicles or personnel entering fenced lot, probability of detection is low and highly variable.  Delivery van drivers come and go at irregular intervals throughout the day and might detect pre-attack indicators on or near the property, or off-normal conditions in the community.

Response force: none.  Police response, based upon recent experience, is measured in days or weeks.

Communications – Business phone system with wall sets in each admin room, desk sets at each desk or work station. PA system with speakers throughout building, can be operated from lobby and manager offices only. All managers and most employees have personal cellular phones. 

Escape/evacuation routes and areas – in event of fire, all personnel evacuate into employee parking lots SW and NE of building.  Given local conditions, shelter in place is preferable to evacuation in the event of security threat.


Site tour will identify or confirm accessibility of property from off-site (avenues of approach and escape for adversaries); placement and characteristics of building exterior doors and surfaces, their resistance to penetration and status (open/closed, locked/unlocked) during specified time window

Assemble architectural diagrams, site plans, imagery from archives and public-access governmental and online sources.

Interview – Officers, executives, and department heads, with follow-up as indicated with same or additional personnel.

Previous site or security surveys – NONE