• Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Combative Firearms Training
    Combative Firearms Training Training individuals, teams and units to defend life and property.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.
  • Train To Defend
    Train To Defend Individual. Business. School. Church. Community.


The Tier 3 - INDIVIDUAL TACTICS Program is designed for individuals who want to master armed self-defense in home and street scenarios. The on-range course reviews, refreshes and hones handgun skills taught in our modular Combative Handgun Program, and develops decision making and tactical skills with 12 escalating Reality Based Training (RBT) scenarios using non-lethal training firearms and live role players. Online training resources introduce a wide range of tactics, techniques, and concepts to streamline and accelerate the on-range training.

WHAT IS RBT? RBT is a type of simulation or "force-on-force" training that provides stress inoculation - allowing the student to experience what violence looks and feels like during a lethal force confrontation. Because of the immersive nature of the training, the brain and body can absorb and process the experience as if it were actually occurring to nearly the same degree as if it were an actual situation. RBT boosts the student's confidence in his ability to dominate adversaries under the normally debilitating stress of a lethal force encounter. This type of experiential training builds the fund of applicable experience (that vital "Orientation" phase of Boyd's Decision Making Process) that will speed effective decision making and effective performance in a crisis.

STUDENTS LEARN how distance and reaction time force decision making in a lethal force confrontation. They learn how to test for compliance and de-escalate a situation by clear, forceful verbal commands. They learn how to quickly assess and react to a wide variety of threats, and apply their decision making, gun handling, and tactical skills in realistic scenarios, under conditions that include low light, multiple adversaries, stress, limited time, and uncertainty. They learn how to communicate effectively with 9-1-1 operators and responding law enforcement officers.

This course is suited for graduates of our Combative Handgun Program (or, with our review and approval, similar quality training obtained elsewhere), who want to hone and refresh their gun handling skills while applying them in the challenging RBT environment. We include basic tactics and techniques for two people working together, making this Program especially well-suited for couples who want to learn how to defend their home, working both individually and as a team.

Our training methodology is delivered in three phases: pre-course information and guidance, range training, and our post-course support system.

  1. Pre-course: When you register for this Program, you will receive detailed instructions and access to curricula, instructional videos and photos, drills, manuals, scenarios, and other resources in our online Defense Academy so that you can, on your own schedule, become comfortable with key concepts and techniques before you attend your on-range Tier 3 course. You will have access to qualified instructors who can answer your questions and address your concerns before you ever set foot on the range.
  2. Your completion of the pre-course work allows us to minimize "classroom" or lecture time during the range training event. While awaiting your turn to rotate through each RBT scenario, you will practice and polish your gun handling skills with our expert instructors on the live fire range. In RBT, you will apply those gun handling skills along with effective tactics and solid decision making to solve realistic, stressful, and increasingly difficult problems that pit you against well-trained and carefully scripted role players in a safe training environment.
  3. Post-course: through your continued enrollment in the Defense Academy, you will have access to training and practice guides, and your DSAs will remain available to answer questions and concerns, tie you into your local communities defense network and offer ongoing training opportunities such as Tune-Up training events to better prepare you for your next level of training. Your DSAs will make themselves available to answer your questions with their weekly Live Post-Course Q&A, where you can get your questions answered directly. Most importantly, your DSI Certified DSA hosts thrice-weekly 30-minute Online Dry Practice Sessions where they will answer all of your self-training questions, help you sharpen your skills, and achieve your training goals between classes by using your fully customizable Daily Training Plan. You will also gain access to additional resources in the Defense Academy to help you review and sustain the skills and knowledge you have developed in your Tier 3 course. Our HQ training staff will remain accessible to answer any questions and recommend further training opportunities.

Program Information

COST: $1,695
DATES: See Calendar
TIME: 3 Days on-range
LOCATION: Various locations throughout the US.
PREREQUISITE: Completion of DSI's Combative Handgun Program. Comparable training obtained elsewhere may be an acceptable substitute, at the discretion of DSI's Chief Instructor.

Certificate Swag2


These are the steps to register:

  1. Select the date of your course using this link.
  2. Pay the deposit. This is a non-refundable deposit guaranteeing your spot in the program.
  3. We will accept only 6 paid students per group. Spots will be awarded based upon your payment date.
  4. Background Check:

To ensure that those training with you are persons of good ethical character, we require all applicants to provide one of the following forms of information. Please bring the original to your course for verification. Should you not have any of these forms we can do a criminal background check for you.

  • Current concealed carry permit or federal firearms license.
  • Illinois FOID card and an official issued ID (Drivers License/Passport etc.)
  • Evidence of no criminal history from a local law enforcement agency printed on official department letterhead, or a statement of good character from a local official; i.e. chief of Police, sheriff, District Attorney, Judge, etc.
  • Evidence of current, active, full line service with public law enforcement agency, or with the United States Armed Forces.
  • Form 4473 “Brady Check” (See the gun store that you purchased your handgun from for a copy.)

If you have none of the above credentials we will need to run a criminal background check for you. You will be charged an additional non-refundable $20 for the background check. Please email info@distributedsecurity.com for further instructions on how to do this.

Payment of Balance:

You will be invoiced for the balance of your program fee 60 days prior to the start of your program. Your invoice must be paid via credit card within 7 days of the receipt of your invoice or you forfeit your deposit and training slot.

What Your Program Fee Includes:

Your $1,695 program fee pays for your 3-day Tier 3 training course and includes:

1-year access to the Defense Academy ($359 retail value).
Operational quality cap and merit patch.
Your course fee does not cover:

Travel, food or lodging.
Ammo or weapon rentals
UTM Weapon and Ammunition Surcharge:

We use simulated non-lethal weapons and ammunition for the reality based training segments. This surcharge covers the cost of your ammunition and weapon rental. The surcharge is $150 and is added to your program fee and paid via your program fee invoice.

Cancellations And Refunds

Once your deposit is processed then you are committed to the program. There are no refunds.

If you are unable to attend your scheduled date then you will be able to attend a future program date as long as:

  • You cancel no later than 30 days prior to your program date.
  • Future program dates are contingent upon space available.
  • There is a $250 service charge for canceling and rebooking the program.
  • We train rain or shine so there are no weather cancellations. Should we cancel a program after payment has been made then we will either refund your payment in full or apply it towards the next program.