DISTRIBUTED SECURITY, INC. is the creator of Distributed Security Networks, a distributed security strategy enabling businesses to develop Distributed Security Bases and operate private security forces capable of defending life and property. We offer enterprises a turnkey package of services for business including infrastructure, training, provisioning and outsourcing.

What is a Distributed Security Network (DSN)?

Detroit DSN TTC MapDistributed Security Networks are various combinations of businesses, schools, churches, and communities who collaborate to defend against violent threats.

Distributed Security Network encompasses a territory composed of Distributed Security Bases (DSB) supported by a central tactical training center (TTC).

Business enterprises anchor DSN’s by developing on-premise Distributed Security Bases and establishing, training, and, maintaining private security forces capable of defending the immediate community from violent threat.

Communities are facing a dizzying array of escalating threats including lone gunmen, violent mobs, organized criminals, common criminals and jihadist terrorist groups a.k.a. “decentralized” threats. These threats can’t be stopped by a centralized (government) response. If we want to mitigate these types of attacks then we need a distributed security strategy that enables trained citizens to be on the scene when the threat manifests.

Why are we focusing on businesses defending the local community? What about law enforcement, the National Guard, Homeland Security, the FBI or the DOJ? All major recipients of tax dollars ostensibly for the defense of civilian life and property within the US. Do civilians need to take a proactive role in defending life and property?

The reason we focus on the role of business is because we are on the brink of an inevitable conflict that will weaken, perhaps destroy the rule of law and civil conduct. The government institutions that we have come to depend upon for security and civility will not provide the level of security and civility that we depended upon in the past. 

Why do business enterprises anchor the DSN?

Detroit DSB Build FinalWeapons, ammunition and training cost money. One of the greatest challenges facing those who are responsible for the defense of a country or the security of a population is funding the effort.

Businesses are uniquely suited because of the activities they conduct, and their economic role within the community. Businesses recruit, train and manage their own private security force including building and maintaining their own training facilities. They also form the hub or “security base” of a local community DSN integrating local churches, schools and other businesses into one network.

Most importantly, businesses have the means and the competencies necessary to operate a Distributed Security Base (DSB) as a profit center.

Businesses generally function within a local geography; street, block, neighborhood, village etc. Local customers, local employees and in some cases local vendors with shared identities. Most private enterprises have a strong identity of interest between owners, managers and employees to defend their community, setting up the opportunity to create a simpatico environment.

Is this for my enterprise?

The best business candidates for developing a Distributed Security Base exhibit the following characteristics:

1. Are located in a community vulnerable to attack.
2. Have at least 100 employees in a single location.
3. Are privately-owned with support from employees and managment.
4. Currently outsourcing security requirements.
5. Have the support of local law enforcement.  

We offer a turnkey package for businesses.

Distributed Security, Inc offers business enterprises a single source turn-key package of services for the development of a distributed security base and operation of a dedicated private security force. The turnkey package includes infrastructure, training, provisioning and outsourcing.


Design, construction and financing of a Distributed Security Base consisting of an on-site range, armory and training facilities:

  1. Initial site survey for placement of range. 
  2. Interface with local law enforcement officials. 
  3. Modification of standard DSB base plan to fit site. 
  4. Specification of range equipment - stalls, baffling, HVAC. 
  5. Interface with local contractors and vendors.


On-site training package for the security cadre. DSI can both provide this training, and certify security cadre personnel as instructors in all these areas: 

  1. Handgun.
  2. Rifle.
  3. Shotgun.
  4. Individual Tactics
  5. Team Tactics
  6. Command School
  7. Tactical medicine.
  8. Tactical communications.

Security cadre will be able to provide:

  1. Facility security.
  2. Support community security.
  3. Manage range operations.

Security cadre will be trained to Tier 2 (Team Tactics) and Tier 1 (Command School) from a standing start, over a 24-month training cycle.

Total range time per cadre member: 216 Hours (27 days). Total on-line study per cadre member 100 Hours (8 days)


Specification of a completely outfitted armory including weaponry, ammunition, accessories, medical supplies and communication gear. We specify:

  1. Detailed handgun, shotgun, rifle and any specialty weapons specification.
  2. Non-lethal UTM/Sims weapons, conversion kits and ammo.
  3. Base and mobile tactical medical kits.
  4. Base and mobile communication gear.
  5. Weapon accessories; holsters, slings, optics, packs, rails, etc.
  6. Training kits and uniforms.
  7. Physical armory for secure storage of weapons and ammunition.


A business model capable of converting the DSB into a profit center via the training of local citizens and the defense other businesses, churches and schools including:

  1. Business plan.
  2. Marketing materials.

DSI can can also provide a contract employee to run the range and all training operations.

If you would like to learn more about Distributed Security Networks then please request a briefing.

The briefings are done principal to principal, we do not use a sales staff, so we ask that your most senior staff participate. The briefings take about 2 hours with questions and are done via GoToMeeting. All participants need to a be at a desktop or laptop computer to participate. SEND AN EMAIL TO aubrey@distributedsecurity.com to request your briefing. Include your phone number, name, title and the name and location of your business. We will then call you to confirm a day and time for your briefing.

Register Today

COMMAND SCHOOL is offered in both in-person and online seminar and engagement formats. In-person seminars are held monthly in Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Engagements are on-demand. 

Seminar summary:

  1. Cost: $1,895
  2. Duration: 32 hours/4 weeks
  3. Format: Online interactive seminar
  4. Next Date: Monday, October 25, 2021
  5. Register: Click to register

Reference Manual Beauty Promo Pre Launch

Included in the seminar cost:

  1. 32 Hours. presented on 4 consecutive Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:00 -8:00 PM CDT. 
  2. Presentation PDF. 500+ pages.
  3. Reference Manual - Combative Firearm Fundamentals And Individual Tactics
  4. Courseware. 17 LMS (Learning Management Software) online modules.
  5. Training Plan. Interactive stand-up plan.
  6. One-year Membership. Membership to the DSI on-line Defense Academy.
  7. Certificate Of Completion. Frameable certificate of completion.

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